test the daemon
Peter Vereshagin
2012-11-12 08:33:34 UTC

I have a kind of specific requirements for the daemon I'm trying to author
like foreground running, configurable stuff like number of forks, port to
listen, etc.

I'm wondering if such a module exists that can check this. For example, list
the number of processes to ensure there are forks and their number is equal to
the configured. Or, kill the daemon with specified signal (e. g., HUP) and
check if the old log file handle was closed and the new is opened. The latter
can be made with 'lsof' kind of module. The port listening can be checked by
mean of 'lsof' or 'netstat' I think.

Does such a stuff exist? Partial solution(s) should be interesting, too.

Peter Vereshagin <***@vereshagin.org> (http://vereshagin.org) pgp: A0E26627
Karen Etheridge
2012-11-14 22:20:18 UTC
Post by Peter Vereshagin
I have a kind of specific requirements for the daemon I'm trying to author
like foreground running, configurable stuff like number of forks, port to
listen, etc.
I would recommend looking at:
