Mark Stosberg
2013-02-27 13:49:44 UTC
I was tasked with working on code coverage for a large project, but had
difficulty getting Devel::Cover to run. We had Devel::NYTProf handy,
and I realized that although that tool focuses on profiling, it produces
data that appears that it can be used for code coverage instead.
Having one tool that could be used for both profiling and code coverage
seems like a nice win. Have other people looked into using
Devel::NYTProf this way? Is there a reason why it would be undesirable?
Is Devel::Cover still the go-to tool for code coverage?
Below are some notes on how I used Devel::NYTProf for code coverage.
I was able to produce a report which looked like this:
0 0 Config::compile_date
0 0 Config::config_re
0 0 Config::config_sh
0 0 Config::config_vars
0 0 Config::header_files
0 0 Config::launcher
0 0 Config::local_patches
0 0 Config::myconfig
0 0 Cwd::chdir
0 0 Cwd::fast_abs_path
0 0 Data::Dumper::qquote
1 1 Cwd::getcwd
1 1 JSON::XS::encode
7 1 File::Find::CORE:closedir
It's the number of calls, places called from, and the subroutine.
To generate, in Apache add the following:
MaxClients 1
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
and this to the mod_perl
my $time = `/bin/date +%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S.%N`;
require Devel::NYTProf::Apache;
Next, run your web request and a file should be created for parent and
Now, merge the files: nytprofmerge -v --out=nytprof-merged.out
Create the report: --file nytprof-merged.out --out
merged_coverage --minimal and parse the data. Here is a script to parse:
cat *.tsv | perl -ne 'print if /\t/' | perl -a -ne
'print("$F[0]\t$F[1]\t$F[-1]\n") if $F[0] =~ /\d/' | sort -k 2,2 | sort
-u | grep -v ::BEGIN | grep -v __ANON | sort -n
This should give you something like the above.
I was tasked with working on code coverage for a large project, but had
difficulty getting Devel::Cover to run. We had Devel::NYTProf handy,
and I realized that although that tool focuses on profiling, it produces
data that appears that it can be used for code coverage instead.
Having one tool that could be used for both profiling and code coverage
seems like a nice win. Have other people looked into using
Devel::NYTProf this way? Is there a reason why it would be undesirable?
Is Devel::Cover still the go-to tool for code coverage?
Below are some notes on how I used Devel::NYTProf for code coverage.
I was able to produce a report which looked like this:
0 0 Config::compile_date
0 0 Config::config_re
0 0 Config::config_sh
0 0 Config::config_vars
0 0 Config::header_files
0 0 Config::launcher
0 0 Config::local_patches
0 0 Config::myconfig
0 0 Cwd::chdir
0 0 Cwd::fast_abs_path
0 0 Data::Dumper::qquote
1 1 Cwd::getcwd
1 1 JSON::XS::encode
7 1 File::Find::CORE:closedir
It's the number of calls, places called from, and the subroutine.
To generate, in Apache add the following:
MaxClients 1
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
and this to the mod_perl
my $time = `/bin/date +%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S.%N`;
require Devel::NYTProf::Apache;
Next, run your web request and a file should be created for parent and
Now, merge the files: nytprofmerge -v --out=nytprof-merged.out
Create the report: --file nytprof-merged.out --out
merged_coverage --minimal and parse the data. Here is a script to parse:
cat *.tsv | perl -ne 'print if /\t/' | perl -a -ne
'print("$F[0]\t$F[1]\t$F[-1]\n") if $F[0] =~ /\d/' | sort -k 2,2 | sort
-u | grep -v ::BEGIN | grep -v __ANON | sort -n
This should give you something like the above.